How Daily Planners Can Help You Stick to Your Fitness Regimen?

As we approach the beach season, it’s not uncommon for people to start revving up their fitness routines again. Aside from right after January, this is the most popular time to get back in the gym, but if you felt like you fell off the tracks between January 1 and now, you wouldn’t be alone.
That’s why having a planner to help you stick to your fitness regimen is key. Many people have assumptions that it will require more work, but if you structure in the right way, it will feel effortless. That’s what we’re here to talk about.
What Does Sticking To a Fitness Routine Mean?
But what does it really mean to stick to a fitness routine? Challenges like 75 Hard have created a whole new meaning to the idea of commitment. This one end of the spectrum relies on a difficult fitness regimen with zero room for error. There’s nothing wrong with this strategy for some individuals. But it definitely doesn’t work for everyone.
On the other side of the spectrum, keeping things light and going with the flow is a better way for others to consistently work out without the pressures. No matter which Avenue you decide to go with, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a planner to help you stick to a finished routine, even if it’s flexible.
What a Planner Can Do For You
There are many different ways to approach choosing a calendar for your fitness routine. That’s the best part. It’s not a one size fits all.
Here, we can talk about different strategies that will help both use them singularly and in combination with one another.
Let’s explore!
Blocked Out Times
When it comes to a fitness routine, it is incredibly important to dedicate the right space and time to it. Thinking about when you can consistently hit the gym or your favorite yoga class should be without interference.
When we try to squeeze it in here and there, this is where we can have a missed opportunity. Granted, something is always better than nothing. Here are a few tips.
- Block out 30 minutes to an hour a few times a week before or after you start your day. If you are somebody that struggles to work out after the day is done choose before. On the contrary, if you struggle to get up in the morning, consider the evening.
- Choosing different times for different days of the week is OK. This may be because of different meeting times or other scheduled activities.
Blocking out the time should be done in bold writing with bright colors so it is easy to see on the calendar. Don’t forget to save some time for mental health, too!
Creating a Plus One Routine
If going to the gym is particularly hard for you plus one routine is a great strategy. Plus, one means pairing your gym with something else productive. This can mean going to the gym by an activity you have to do like laundry, cleaning, cooking or something else.
It can also mean not allowing yourself to do anything until you go to the gym. This is typically the way to go because certain items must be done. If you know you have to do a lot of cooking in order to eat, going to the gym first and then starting that adventure may not be a bad idea.
A Little Flexibility Never Killed Anybody
It’s important to remember that a little flexibility is what keeps things interesting. Doing the same routine over and over again can cause burnout and cause us to fall off our fitness in the first place.
It’s important to mix up what we’re doing rather than the times that we’re doing it. Flexibility in how we train our bodies is a great thing. In fact, it’s called cross training and many professional athletes. Do it to work out different muscles. This means doing a yoga class one day and lifting weights next.
Record Your Results
We have a space open in your planner to record your results. There are a few reasons for this.
- Seeing your results improve week after week provides motivation to keep doing better and keep going, and this builds habits.
- When we write the results down, we also see how inconsistent we are, which can help us keep on track and more accountable.
- It also helps us find adjustments when we see a bit of a plateau.
Recording your results can have to do with your body measurements and/or your person records with flexibility and weight lifting. This is where undated planners can be helpful. It will allow you to go at your own pace with your goals rather than miss weeks and days at a time.
Journaling About Health and Wellness
Using a planner to track your fitness is great because it is also important for nutrition and overall wellness. By planning one out, it’s natural for the others to fall in line. It creates a positive domino effect amongst all things health and wellness.
Taking it a step further, you may notice that it just becomes easier in general to plan things out. But just taking things one step at a time and starting with baby steps is important; too many things at once can feel overwhelming and hold the process back.