How to Make Relationship Stronger

In order to hold longer the relationship, love is the foundation of any happy romantic relationship. But everything is not well enough through love only. If someone wants his/her relationship stronger, both genders have to work on it. Whether you are man or women follow the following mention ways to make your relationship healthy.
Appreciation and Practice:
A well-known author David Richo stated in his book “The Five Keys to Mindful Loving” that the keys of loving are appreciation and acceptance. He further added that, when you are in the relationship, you need to appreciate your partner and accept him/her with your true heart. This rule is for both men and for women in a relationship.
Don’t Bother Ups and Downs:
Nothing is constant in life, if you are happy at the moment, may be in the very next moment you will be depressed. So, don’t bother the ups and downs in the relationship. Everyone has good and bad habits and everyone can do wrong according to his/her mode, but making wrong perceptions about your partner may go wrongs. So, there is a dire need to ignore ups and downs in a relationship.
But sometimes things went worse and couples start making suspicions in their minds. A couple should use monitoring software such as TheOneSapy with a consent of each other to strengthen their relationship no time ever before. They can know where their partner is going 24/7, this will help them to make their relationship healthy. They even can track each other’s location through Track GPS location feature of monitoring software.
“We” The Perfect Word:
According to the researchers, Tamar Chansky Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley, couples who use the word we when talking in happy mode, calmer and in general are the most satisfied with their relationship. But on the other hand, the couples whose communication is populated with the pronouns such as “you”, “me” and “I” are quite less satisfied with their relationships.
Three Day Plan:
Rita Watson, who is an Associate fellow at Yale’s Ezra Stiles College, stated that a couple who have an attitude of acknowledgment will strengthen their love life. She did research on 77 married couple’s whether they were heterosexual and monogamous couples who use to of expressing gratitude, were happier in their love lives than others. These couples feeling were more peaceful, amused and responsive.
- If you want to get more gratitude within your relationship she encouraged for following a three-day plan.
- On the first day find the particular good qualities that you like the most within your partner.
- On the second day find out three irritating habits within your partner.
On the third day, discuss with your partner, this plan is for a couple. Both man and women follow this thing. They will find a good change and healthy relationship.
3:1 Ratio:
In life and especially within the relationship we experience plenty of positive as well as negative experiences. People have their view that as long as the positive experiences outweigh the negative, everything is ok. But is not the same in every case. The ratio of positive and to negative it matters a lot.
According to researchers, the magical ratio of flourishing relationship is at above 3:1. Every relationship must have at least 3 times more positivity with your partner than the negative experiences to make the relationship healthy.
Make Sure Novelty Alive:
The best possible way of making relationship long lasted is that you should really know each other. The negative side of this particular thing is novelty wears off; humans are very fond of novelty. But every couple can keep alive the novelty through trying new activities together. You will found new excitement within your relationship.
Playfulness Alive:
Everyone is loved to play, no matters in what age we are. A couple should do playful activities within a week at least. It will help you out to getting out from stress and a couple will find a true peace in their relationship. Try some beach games with your partner; it will help you out to spend some quality time together.
Give Little Space:
No doubt everyone wants to love and quality time from their partners. But love and quality time are not possible for everyone at all times. Along with the love and affection, a man or women needs some space too. So being sticking together at all times may ruin your relationship, a bit space to think is necessary within a relationship in order to make the relationship more healthy.
Show Physical Affection:
Everyone needs to adopt the physical affection stuff. Whenever you meet with your partner, show some sort of physical affection. Show some physical loveable gesture such as a cool hug, kiss and giving some back scratch help out your partner relief stress and feel secure and safe shoulder to lay down his/her head to share anything.