Steps to Help You Deal with Dust After a Renovation

Renovations of any kind can be exhilarating—brand new sparkling appliances? Fabulous! Finally, got new counters? Wonderful! Got rid of those dingy old floors? Glorious!
But what about all that dust? There isn’t anything less fabulous, wonderful, or glorious than a dreadful post-renovation dust buildup—but there are a handful of solutions to get rid of it. It’s likely time for deep cleaning.
Here are some great ideas to help you clear your newly remodeled home of unwanted dust and restore its glamour.
Touch up all of the surfaces.
Your counters, cabinets, and tables will collect heaps of dust after a renovation, and a simple dusting might not cut it. Since dust can be such an exceptionally deceptive pest, carefully vacuuming your surfaces before wiping them down ensures that no spots have been missed.
Once you’ve sucked up all of the dust you can see, take a disinfectant wipe or a bottle of all-purpose cleaner and a rag and scrub down those exterior surfaces. You’ll need to administer a more detailed cleaning to your surfaces to ensure they’re all free of any household dirt.
Your walls need love, too.
As tedious as it sounds, cleaning your walls after a renovation is a must. Dust can hide in all sorts of crooks and crevices, making your wall spaces a perfect breeding ground for built-up dust.
Using a duster to clear your wall’s corners of household grime is an effective, gentle way to start the wall-cleaning process. If you’ve recently re-painted your walls, installed new moldings, or replaced them entirely, a simple dusting is your best bet against damage and poses no real threat towards your new upgrades.
If you want to be extra thorough, take a dampened microfiber cloth and wipe down your walls after they’ve been properly dusted.
Give your ventilation some TLC.
Home renovations have a tendency of trapping a lot of dust indoors, which leads to poor air circulation inside your home. In general, your air ducts are always vulnerable to dust buildup and should be cleaned regularly, so imagine how much attention they’ll need after a renovation.
Start by replacing all of your vents’ filters. Like a vacuum, ventilation systems work better and more efficiently when they have a fresh, clean filter. This action reduces the number of particles put back into your house and will make breathing easier, decrease allergens, and help revive the overall indoor air quality.
Once you’ve successfully swapped out the filters, wipe down your ventilation systems’ grids and coverings. A dash of soap and a wet rag will be just fine. A clean filter won’t be able to do its job without clean openings, so be sure to polish off your vents’ external surfaces to maximize the clean.
Don’t forget the rest of it.
After you’ve gone through and tended to all of the hard surfaces in your house, there’s one final step: cleaning the couches, chairs, blinds/curtains, carpets/rugs, beds, and sofas. Fabrics and other upholstered objects are at a higher risk of hanging onto dust, as their surfaces are stickier and more inviting to traveling and displaced particles.
Keep in mind that dust on these surfaces is not only visually offensive but can also cause damage. Dust accelerates the wear-and-tear of fabric and other soft materials by loosening their weaves, so it’s better to avoid this unfortunate outcome altogether.
Beginning this process with your blinds and shutters helps ensure that any fallen dust will later be collected on lower surfaces. Dust or vacuum your blinds/shutters until they are free of any noticeable particles, and then take a disinfectant wipe or all-purpose cleaner to enhance the shine.
Next, focus on the couches, sofas, and beds. Taking apart your furniture and performing a meticulous vacuuming can help prevent major dust accumulation. Couches and sofas usually separate by a cushion, so make sure you start vacuuming dust from the inside out. After you’ve accomplished this task, use an appropriate upholstery cleaning agent (leather- or fabric-specific) to wipe down the remaining surfaces.
Your mattress can also collect a decent amount of dust and might need touching up as well, so remember to vacuum both sides before you put the sheets back on.
Now it’s time to take care of your rugs and carpets. Use your trusty vacuum cleaner to reach every last corner of your carpet, rug, or mat. Our shoes, socks, and feet pick up bundles of both indoor and outdoor dust, and carpeting and rug materials are notorious dust connoisseurs. Thoroughly vacuuming the entire carpet or rug will safeguard these surfaces against stubborn particles and enhance their appearances.
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The final finishing touches.
Now that all of the bigger jobs are done do one more walk-through of your house and make sure you haven’t missed anything. Make sure you’ve dusted off any fans, light fixtures or shades, and other smaller appliances or decorations.
Voila! You’re all set. Enjoy your new renovations and a clean house.